Kickoff is just around the corner, no time like the present to show your support! We will be hosting a Build-A-Thon where you can pledge support to a team member, by doing so you agree to donate a specific amount of money per hour the team member works, or you could make a flat donation, anything helps! We estimate needing $150 per student including things such as travel and hotel rooms, and this is just for the first two competitions, we need more if we make it to districts.
Scalawags 2024 budget fundraiser update!
After our hard work through the months, The Scalawags are nearly to our goal for the 2024 build season budget! We have raised around $20,000, which would leave us only $9,000 away from our goal. We will continue working hard to raise the rest of the money needed! Build season is just around the corner!
Girls Generation 2023
The Scalawags competed in Girls Gen at Wilsonville October 7th, going in Clawdia’s arm was inoperable due to some bugs we have been yet to fix. Despite this setback our drive team were up to the challenge, ending up one of the top 4 teams after qualifiers. Our drive team didn’t stop there, getting all the way to the finals with the alliance we chose as the rest of the team cheered them on as loud as they could. In the second round of finals Clawdia took a hit and was taken out of commission for that and the next round, after this the Scalawags were unable to take first place. The drive team got the Scalawags to a second place trophy despite how much of a handicap was placed onto Clawdia without her arm, and everything we as a team learned will be essential in building next years robot.
Scalawags Summer of 2023
Scalawags 2024 budget
Our projected 2024 budget is $29,000, with this thermometer graphic showing our progress to fundraise that amount. Throughout the summer the team has been hard at work at fundraisers and community outreach events to raise this money before 2024 kickoffs. We have been doing car washes, fairs, talking to possible sponsors and working with some amazing people with this goal in mind.