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Build Season Update and Scrimmage Info

A lot of progress has been made over the past week here in the Pirates’ Cove! All of the sub-teams have been hard at work. The climber sub-team is almost finished and after many revisions, the climber is mounted on the robot! The game-piece management team is working towards finished on their mechanism, and for the first time ever, we are working on a build book! The build book will be in our pit at competition, and be a sort of scrapbook of our build season. Programmers have been making huge amounts of progress with vision, getting us set up to use AprilTags this season!

We held our second Jr. Robotics lesson in the new shop this morning, with 11 junior engineers in attendance. They watched the kickoff video and tried to figure out how they would have solved the problem, then they built their own robots out of Lego. Afterwards they made paper-mâché starfish to decorate our pit at comp!

Scrimmage will be held at Corvallis High School on the 16th of February, time is to be determined, stay posted for updates! Teams from all over the state will be at scrimmage, running practice matches and getting some crucial drive practice in. The event will be open to the public, and the Scalawags hope to see you there!